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Magical black powder or just a placebo effect? Activated charcoal is a new-fangled treatment that claims to alleviate stomach bugs. Its popularity is exploding as a potential fix for various health issues. Since there’s a lot of misinformation on the benefits of activated charcoal, it’s essential to stay informed on its mode of action and make sense of all the data available on its efficacy. Read on to understand the usage, benefits, and risks of using activated charcoal for stomach bugs.

What Are Stomach Bugs?

Stomach bugs, known as viral gastroenteritis, are intestinal infections that cause watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes fever. 

While generally not severe in healthy individuals, they can pose risks to infants, older adults, and those with compromised immune systems.

How Do Stomach Bugs Spread?

Now, let’s talk about the causes of stomach bugs. The primary transmission routes for stomach bugs are:

Additionally, viruses can trigger stomach bugs.

Some countries, including the United States, offer vaccines to prevent viral gastroenteritis infections.

How Can You Prevent Stomach Bugs?

Since there’s no specific cure for stomach bugs, prevention is crucial. Key preventive measures include:

Activated Charcoal For Stomach Bug: How It Works

Activated charcoal functions through a process known as adsorption

It attracts and binds substances in your digestive tract, preventing them from being absorbed. 

This property makes it useful in medical emergencies, such as accidental poisoning, where medical professionals use it to trap excess drugs and mitigate potential toxicity.

However, activated charcoal’s role is less evident in the context of stomach bugs. 

While it may bind excess fluids and potentially alleviate diarrhea symptoms by hardening stools, it does not address the underlying cause.

Activated charcoal cannot eliminate the viruses, bacteria, or parasites that typically cause stomach bugs.

Diagram showing the process of toxin adsorption by activated charcoal

Does Activated Charcoal Help Prevent Stomach Bugs?

Activated charcoal is not a treatment or preventative strategy for stomach bugs. 

Activated charcoal can adsorb toxins, but viruses, bacteria, or parasites cause the disease.

While some limited evidence shows that charcoal may help with diarrhea, a frequent symptom of stomach infections, its overall effectiveness remains to be determined. 

Some studies suggest using it to control diarrhea in palliative care, but its benefits need further research.

Most stomach bugs disappear on their own within a few days

Relaxation and enough water intake are the most effective strategies for acquiring fluids and electrolytes lost due to vomiting or diarrhea.

Can You Take Activated Charcoal For A Stomach Virus?

Doctors don’t recommend activated charcoal to treat a stomach virus. 

This condition does not respond to activated charcoal because it lacks antiviral, antibacterial, or antiparasitic properties.

Scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness against the stomach virus is limited. 

Therefore, it’s generally advised not to use activated charcoal for stomach viruses.

Does Activated Charcoal Help With Gut Bacteria?

Activated charcoal can help with gut bacteria, particularly in cases of diarrhea resulting from bacterial infections. 

A 2017 study highlights activated charcoal’s ability to attract and expel ingested toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, like harmful bacteria whose toxins cause diarrhea. 

Activated charcoal adsorbs these substances on its surface and prevents them from being absorbed into the body, thus helping to manage diarrhea symptoms. 

However, while it shows promise, more research is required to fully understand its effectiveness and potential benefits in managing gut bacteria-related conditions.

How Much Activated Charcoal Should I Take for a Stomach Bug?

Age GroupDosage (grams)
Children <1 year10g to 25g
Children 1 – 12 years25g to 50g
Teenagers and Adults25g to 100g

Are There Any Risks In Taking Activated Charcoal For Stomach Bugs?

Yes, there are risks with taking activated charcoal for stomach bugs. 

Inhaling charcoal can cause side effects like vomiting, bowel blockages, and aspiration pneumonitis

Aspiration pneumonitis is a severe lung problem that can make breathing hard.

People at higher risk for these side effects include those who:

Giving activated charcoal to an unconscious person is also risky.

It can cause vomiting, which could lead to choking. 

If someone with vomiting and diarrhea becomes unconscious, it is a medical emergency.

So, while activated charcoal can help with stomach bugs, it’s essential to talk to a doctor first to avoid these risks.

Who Should Not Consume Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is not suitable for everyone. 

Doctors advise against using activated charcoal for patients with an unprotected airway, particularly those who are barely conscious. 

It could cause severe breathing problems or even death from accidental inhalation (aspiration).

Here are the conditions under which you should avoid activated charcoal:

It’s best to have your doctor monitor you in these conditions.

Usage Guide For Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal can be helpful in certain situations, but using it safely and correctly is crucial.

Here are some precautions to keep in mind when using activated charcoal:

Call poison control or a healthcare professional immediately if poisoning occurs. 

For treating poisoning, the recommended dosage is:

For multiple doses, after the initial dose, the recommended amounts are:

Always seek professional advice before using activated charcoal.

Summary: Can Activated Charcoal Help Stomach Bugs?


What Is Volume Eating?

Volume eating is a diet where you eat large portions of nutritious foods like fruits, non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

It is based on the Volumetrics diet created in 2000 by nutrition scientist Barbara Rolls.

One common struggle for most people trying to follow a diet plan is battling hunger.

Volume eating keeps you satiated and feeling full longer, thus preventing cravings and helping you stick to your weight loss plan.

Since volume eating promotes a nutrient-rich diet, it can also help keep you in shape.  

Benefits Of Volume Eating

Does Volume Eating Actually Work For Weight Loss?

If you are trying to lose weight, volume eating can help you manage calories without counting them.

Volume eating lets you eat a satisfying amount of food without consuming excess calories. 

It also helps you obtain all the required nutrients from your diet, such as fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

When you feel full for longer and have a nutritious diet, you are less likely to give in to cravings and reach for junk food.

Thus, volume eating aids in weight loss by:

The key here is to include a variety of foods, not just those that are low in calories.

12 Low-calorie High-volume Foods To Include In Your Diet

12 low-calorie high-volume foods displayed as icons and names


Oats can be a great addition to your daily diet. They are low in calories and high in fiber and protein and keep you feeling full for longer. Old-fashioned rolled oats showed better appetite control over four hours than ready-to-eat breakfast cereals. 

Greek Yogurt

Being high in protein, greek yogurt makes for a great addition to your diet. One cup of non-fat Greek yogurt provides 150 calories and 25 grams of protein. One study showed that women who snacked on Greek yogurt experienced much less hunger and felt satiated longer than those who snacked on crackers and chocolate. 


Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Berries also contain a dietary fiber called pectin, which slows stomach emptying and promotes feelings of fullness. 


Eggs are rich in vital nutrients and low in calories. A large egg can provide 6 grams of protein, vitamins and minerals, and 72 calories. Consuming eggs can reduce the levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for hunger, in the body. Eating eggs for breakfast can help you feel full for longer. 


Popcorn is a fiber-rich food that can stabilize blood sugar. It keeps you feeling full longer and is an excellent alternative to potato chips. Air-popped popcorn is the healthiest variant since other varieties might have added fat and sugar. 

Chia Seeds

A 1-ounce serving of chia seeds has 4.7 grams of protein, 9.8 grams of fiber, and 138 calories. They have a unique soluble fiber that swells in your stomach and keeps you satiated longer. Incorporating them into your diet can help curb appetite. 

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is rich in protein and can be incorporated into various meals. One cup of cottage cheese has 163 calories and 28 grams of protein.  


With a reputation for being unhealthy and causing a spike in blood sugar, potatoes have been kept out of meals for a long time. But the reality is that they are rich in fiber and can keep you full for longer. One medium-sized potato contains 4 grams of protein and fiber and 161 calories.  

Lean Meats

Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and low-fat cuts of red meat are high in protein and low in calories. 


Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which keep your heart healthy. They are also rich in protein, low in calories, and reduce the body’s ghrelin levels. A study showed that fish protein keeps you feeling full longer when compared to beef and chicken. 


With 92% water content, watermelons are a great low-calorie food choice. They are also rich in fiber, promoting fullness. Additionally, watermelons are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C.


Soup can be incredibly filling, depending on the brand or type of soup you are cooking. Opt for broth-based soups instead of creamy soups to cut down on calories and maximize fullness. 

What Low-calorie High-volume Foods Are Best For Weight Loss?

Here are some more high-volume foods that are low in calories and are best for weight loss:

Are There Any Downsides To Eating Low-calorie High-volume Foods?

Volume eating, when done incorrectly, can end up harming your body.

It is best to consult a nutritionist or doctor before starting any diet. 

Low-calorie High-volume Meal Ideas

Here are some low-calorie, high-volume meal ideas:

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Eat 500 Calories A Day And Feel Full?

A 500-calorie diet is an extreme form of a very low-calorie diet (VLCD).

It is meant for people who are suffering from extreme cases of obesity and have been unable to lose weight despite trying other diet plans. 

A 500-calorie diet requires drastically reducing your calorie intake, which can be dangerous without supervision. 

While it is best to try under medical supervision, here is a list of foods you can have to feel full even after eating just 500 calories every day: 

What Is The Best Snack For Weight Loss?

Here are some snack ideas that are l low in calories and will help in weight loss:

What Foods Fill You Up Without Weight Gain?

Foods that are sources of protein and fiber fill you up without weight gain.

Whole grain rice and bread, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat are low in calories and keep you feeling full for longer. 

What Are Some Vegetarian Low-calorie High-volume Foods?

Summary: Low-calorie, High-volume Foods

Low-calorie, high-volume foods keep you feeling full for longer without increasing calorie intake.

Over time, eating a high-volume diet can help you lose weight without eating less.

Some high-volume foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain bread and rice, eggs, and lean meat. 

When done with a focus on balanced nutrition, volume eating can reduce cravings and aid in weight loss.

However, when you include or exclude foods from your diet simply based on calories, it could lead to a deficicny of essential fats in the body.

An excess of fiber, typical for most foods that keep you full longer, can lead to digestive problems. 

If you want to try volume eating, consult a nutritionist or your healthcare provider for optimum results. 


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Do you have your 23andMe DNA data?

Learn about your MTHFR gene status for free!

What is MTHFR and Methylation Cycle

MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, the infamous enzyme whose incorrect shape can put you at risk for a long list of conditions.

MTHFR is a very important enzyme that converts folate into a more usable form called methylfolate in each cell of the body. Methylfolate is responsible for the production of two important compounds.

First is a class of biochemicals called neurotransmitters. They are a class of chemicals that help you think, emote, and perform all sorts of physical activities.

Non-functional MTHFR enzyme that results from single nucleotide changes in your DNA will lead to low levels of neurotransmitters that, in turn, have consequences like insomnia, anxiety, depression, and ADHD, among others.

The second important compound that methylfolate helps to make is called S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe).

SAMe helps to regulate more than 200 enzymes in the body.

Without SAMe, your body is predisposed to conditions like infertility, thrombosis, miscarriage, autism, and certain forms of cancer.

About MTHFR and Methylation Genetic Test

An MTHFR genetic test does not require a medical recommendation.

You can simply download your raw DNA data and upload it to a third-party service provider to get your results.

Genetic reports are generated after the analysis of different polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene.

These polymorphisms tell you which variants you carry and if you are homozygous or heterozygous for those variations.

Now that you know the importance of being aware of your MTHFR polymorphisms, let’s compare two popular tools that provide you with your MTHFR status. These two third-party tools provide a comprehensive MTHFR status report from your raw data from companies like 23andme, AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), and others.

Genetic Genie DNA Raw Data Analysis

Genetic Genie test is a DNA raw data analysis from a 23andme ancestry test. The results are free.

The website interprets your DNA raw data for only your methylation and detox profile.

The detox profile looks at gene SNPs of the cytochrome P450 detox enzymes, amongst others.

It is important to look at this specific information because certain genetic polymorphisms have been shown to impair the detoxification of drugs, hormones, environmental toxins, xenobiotics, and more.

Interpreting Genetic Genie Results

The results column indicates whether you have a favorable, unfavorable, or intermediate genotype.

Your result is not determined solely by any single entry but by the cumulative effect of all the genes and variations listed.

To use Genetic Genie, you need to download your raw data file from the 23andMe website and upload it to the website.

Before you upload to the tool to test your MTHFR status, it is advisable to go through the website’s privacy policy.

If you want to see a sample of how the test results look, you can download the dummy raw data file available on the website and upload it immediately.

Is Genetic Genie Safe?

According to the website, the DNA you upload for the free report is not stored anywhere. Further, the data is encrypted with an HTTPS connection.

So, there’s little to no risk of DNA data misuse, making Genetic Genie a very safe platform.

However, it is recommended that you read their privacy policy in detail before using their services.

Xcode Life DNA Raw Data Analysis

Xcode Life test results are expert-curated from several large and high scientific authority databases, including UK biobank, Clinvar, OMIM, SNPedia, and leading scientific journals, to name a few, to curate the variant annotations.

Once you upload your raw data to Xcode Life, you will get your test results within 24 hours. You can download your test results and take it to your next routine health test check-up.

Xcode’s MTHFR reports are easily readable, understandable, and implementable.

The core philosophy of Xcode reports is to empower the user with actionable genetic information that they can use to enhance health and well-being.

The report not only includes a number of genetic variants in the MTHFR, MTRR, MTHFD, and other genes but also detailed and practical recommendations on compensating for MTHFR deficiency.

Xcode Life vs. Genetic Genie Methylation Reports

Xcode LifeGenetic Genie
No. of variants analyzed6421
No. of genes analyzed159
Results interpretationProvidedNot provided
Bar graph result representationPresentNot present
RecommendationsIncludedNot included
Post-test one-on-one chat assistanceAvailable on requestNot available
Inside Article Subscription Form (#6)

Do you have your 23andMe DNA data?

Learn about your MTHFR gene status for free!

Have you taken an ancestry test with 23andMe, AncestryDNA, or other companies? Then, you’re already on the path to unlocking the incredible insights within your raw DNA data. This article delves into the world of DNA raw data analysis, guiding you through the tools to help decode the secrets hidden within your genes. Are you ready to discover the best platform to upload raw DNA data? Join us as we explore the top 10 tools that can help you get the best out of your raw DNA!

What Is A Raw DNA Data?

Your DNA is a complex instruction manual written using only four letters: A, T, G, and C.

Each human has a unique manual of their own. 

These manuals are 99.99% similar across humans, but the 0.01% can make a big difference.

For instance, some people could have an A in a spot where a C should be instead.

A raw data file from companies like 23andMe or AncestryDNA digitally tabulates these differences, which are called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).

Here’s a small example of what data might look like in a raw DNA file:


What Does An SNP Signify?

Raw data contains a list of variant loci on your DNA called SNPs. Scientists and researchers can use this raw data to study and learn more about genetics, human ancestry, and even some health conditions. 

They can compare your genetic markers with those of others to find patterns and make connections.

Genetic Diversity

SNPs are little tweaks to your DNA that make you unique. While 99.99% of your DNA is the same as everyone else’s, it’s that 0.01% that makes all the difference.

Ancestry and Heritage

SNPs can also tell you about your ancestral roots. They help trace where your ancestors came from and how they migrated for thousands of years. That’s how companies like 23andMe can tell you you’re 30% Irish or 10% Native American.

Health Insights

Certain SNPs have links to health conditions. For instance, a specific SNP could increase your risk for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or certain cancers. An awareness of your risk for health conditions can help you take the necessary preventive measures or get screened early.

Fitness and Nutrition

Your SNPs can offer insights into how your body responds to different exercise plans or diets. You can optimize your workout routine and nutrition plan based on what works best for your genetic profile.

It’s important to remember that raw DNA data is a blueprint of your genetic information.

It can reveal sensitive personal details, and you should handle it carefully.

Only share it with trusted sites that maintain your privacy and data security.

We’re here to help you with just that!

Screenshot of Genotyping DNA Raw Data File

How Is Ancestry Information Obtained From DNA?

The DNA data file from genealogical tests has information on around 700,000 SNPs in your DNA. 

The portions of DNA close to each other (markers) are often passed down together. 

Genetic ancestry tests use these markers to track your lineage and report ancestry and ethnicity.

They compare your DNA data with that of millions of other people and find regions of similarity.

The more the similarity, the more closely you are related to that person.

However, this information is only a drop of water compared to the ocean of information you can get from your DNA raw data file.

There are many third-party tools and DNA upload sites that interpret your DNA raw data for you. 

Some of the well-known DNA raw data analysis tools are Xcode Life, Genome, Stratagene, and GEDMatch.

Note: Most of these companies accept only genotyping raw data (like the ones from 23andMe and AncestryDNA).

What Else Can Your DNA Raw Data Tell You?

Analyzing your DNA raw data can tell you much about your health and wellness.

You can get insights into your:

Learning so much about yourself has never been this simple.

  1. Family Tree DNA (FTDNA)
  2. AncestryDNA
  3. 23andMe
  4. MyHeritage DNA

DNA Raw Data Analysis: 13 Best Tools (Some Are FREE!)

Many third-party companies allow you to upload your DNA raw data to provide easy-to-understand genetic reports on health and wellness.

ToolPriceCategories covered
Xcode Life
- the highest number of reports
- 3000+ markers analyzed
- 750 + traits covered
Starting at $30
(Free reports available with pack products)
BRCA and Breast Cancer
MTHFR and Methylation
Personalized Medicine
Caffeine (free)
Promethease$12Basic health and reports
Genetic GenieFree; Option for voluntary donation starting from $5.Only methylation and detox analysis
GEDMatch3 free tools, 45+ premium tools.
Mainly for family matches using combined 23andMe, Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA databases.
GenomelinkFree (~100 traits); $14 monthly subscription for 312 traitsNutrition, personality, intelligence, physical, and sports traits
SelfDecode1 free report; $278-$695 and $99 annual memebership feeNutrition, fitness, and health
MyTrue AncestryBasic version is free.; Membership costs up to $596Ancestry reports only
Genomapp3 reports are free; Other reports cost up to $25Health conditions and precision medicine
Livewello1 free trait; Up to $25/month subscriptionNutrition and Precision Medicine
Strategene$95, only one reportMetabolic pathway information
Enlis Genomics1 free report; Other reports up to $80Scientific health reports only
Nutrahacker1 free report, other reports up to $145Genetic traits, nutrition, metabolism, fitness, lactation etc
DNAFit/Circle DNA5 bundle reports ($379)Fitness, medicine, skin, mental health, maternal health etc

Happy choosing!

Xcode Life

Xcode Life is a global genetics and bioinformatics company that analyzes raw DNA data files from companies like 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FTDNA, MyHeritage, and LivingDNA.

Xcode provides a variety of expertly curated reports, starting at just $20.

Xcode Life Reports List

  1. Nutrition report
  2. Fitness report
  3. Health report
  4. Allergy report
  5. Skin report
  6. Breast Cancer and BRCA report
  7. Methylation and MTHFR report
  8. Personalized Medicine report
  9. Gene Sleep Report
  10. Traits and Personality report
  11. Caffeine report (free with Pack Products)

The reports contain specific, helpful recommendations for people with the same genetic type.

They are delivered within 24 hours.

Report interpretation assistance is also available upon request.

Xcode provides bundle options, consolidating over 1000 traits into a single analysis report.

Professional practitioners such as physicians, surgeons, nutritionists, sports trainers, chiropractors, and more use Xcode for their raw DNA data analysis needs.

Get your 23andMe raw data analyzed here.

Promethease – Now acquired by MyHeritage – 2024 Updates

Promethease is a software program that was developed by SNPedia to perform raw data analysis.

It uses your 23andMe raw data to generate disease-based reports.

How Much Does Promethease Cost?

They charge $12 per report.

It’s important to note that Promethease reports may be overly technical for most users, who usually don’t have expert knowledge of polymorphisms and biostatistics.

The system is based on literature search and retrieval.

It builds a report based on the SNPedia database against the raw DNA data from sites like AncestryDNA, 23AndMe, or FamilyTreeDNA.

The reports primarily contain information about health and precision medicine.

For instance, the report can mention your genetic risk for diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Though it is a popular service, its scientific integrity is often questioned due to its reliance on SNPedia, an open-source service.

Update: In 2019, MyHeritage acquired Promethease and SNPedia.

Promethease was originally offered free of charge. However, MyHeritage acquired the DNA analysis service in 2019.

They maintain SNPedia as a free resource for academic and non-profit users.

Non-European users’ DNA raw data was shifted into new accounts on MyHeritage.

Users retain ownership of their DNA raw data file and may delete their data from MyHeritage’s server at their discretion. 

GeneticGenie Methylation and Detox Analysis

Genetic Genie provides free methylation and detox reports.

This tool uses your DNA raw data from companies like 23andMe and AncestryDNA to perform methylation analysis.  

The site also provides a tool for a detox analysis that looks for defects in the cytochrome P450 detox enzymes.  

Genetic Genie Methylation

Incorrect methylation leads to a wide range of serious medical conditions.

This makes the methylation profile offered by genetic genie a good report.

The following genes are included in Genetic Genie’s Methylation panel:

  1. COMT
  2. MTHFR
  3. VDR
  4. MTR
  5. MTRR
  6. BHMT
  7. SHMT
  8. CBS

14 markers in these genes are reported in the panel.

Genetic Genie Detox

The detox profile looks at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes that affect the detoxification pathway of the body.

The following genes are included in Genetic Genie’s Detox panel:

  1. CYP1A1
  2. CYP1A2
  3. CYP1B1
  4. CYP2C9
  5. CYP2E1
  6. CYP3A4
  7. GSTP1
  8. SOD2
  9. NAT1
  10. NAT2

22 markers in these genes are reported in the panel.

This is a free service, but a voluntary donation starting from $5 is accepted.


GEDmatch offers a platform to delve into your family history by enabling the upload of raw genetic files from various DNA testing companies. 

Although the service itself is free, it is important to note that navigating GEDmatch’s tools may appear intricate for individuals unaccustomed to exploring genetic data.

GEDmatch provides a range of complimentary tools in addition to a selection of more advanced features that require a paid subscription. Login


GEDMatch is a platform that helps understand your lineage via raw DNA files from genealogy companies.

The service is free, but the user experience can seem challenging for users who need to be used to exploring genetic data to understand the reports.

GEDmatch provides a range of complimentary tools and a selection of more advanced features that require a paid subscription. Login

You can log in to your GEDmatch account in 4 simple steps:

  1. Go to and click the ‘Login’ button in the top right corner.
  2. Enter the email ID that you used to register your account
  3. Key in your password
  4. Click on the ‘Login’ button

If you forgot your password, you can reset it with this link

Once you create your account, you can upload your raw DNA data here.

On the upload page, you’ll need to enter the following details:

  1. Donor information
  2. Details of raw data
  3. Privacy information

Once the upload is successful, you should be assigned a kit number.

GEDmatch Genesis Free Tools

GEDmatch provides three free tools:

  1. One-to-many DNA comparison against GEDmatch users
  2. One-to-one DNA comparison with a close relative 
  3. Admixture to determine ethnic ancestry

Purchasing a Tier 1 membership at $10 per month unlocks access to:

  1. Segment search to find your most recent common ancestors
  2. Enhanced one-to-one comparison to examine the quality of the results
  3. Clustering of matches to determine recent common ancestors

GEDmatch Review

Various online genealogy groups recommend the GEDmatch tool. 

Interestingly, GEDmatch helped law enforcement to arrest the Golden State Killer, responsible for more than 50 rapes and at least 13 murders in the 1970s and 80s.

Ever since then, GEDmatch has gained popularity as a crime-solving tool.

Read an in-depth review of GEDMatch here.

Genomelink lets users upload raw DNA data from 23andMe, Ancestry, or MyHeritage. 

The site can also connect directly to their accounts on these websites to retrieve their DNA data. 

Users who upload DNA data will receive a free report on 100 traits immediately.

However, to unlock more traits, you’ll need a subscription to their website for $14/month, which may not be cost-effective.

If you sign up, all your reports will be consolidated and presented in your dashboard, which you can only access online.

It’s important to note that downloadable PDF reports are unavailable from Genomelink.

A feedback option near each trait can help you review how accurate the trait results are.

Overall, they provide over 352 traits across 20 reports. 

Most of these reports are genealogical and focused on revealing ancestry.

Their website does not advertise bundled reports anymore. 

The actual prices of each report remain concealed until a user creates an account with Genomelink.

Genomelink Login

Follow these steps to log in to your Genomelink account:

  1. On the website homepage, click the “Sign In” button in the top right corner.
  2. Enter the email address that you used to register your account.
  3. Key in your password and click on the “LOG IN” button.

Genomelink Dashboard Of A Free Account

Genomelink Reviews

Genomelink can be a good, cost-free place to start if you are new to genetic tests. 

The results are moderately user-friendly and readable. 

They seem to have in-depth information on privacy and the use of users’ data. 

The free version of Genomelink is worth a try. 

However, think twice before purchasing a subscription.

The primary benefit of the subscription is that Genomelink emails you one trait result each week. 

The report bundles are overpriced for the number of traits they cover. 

Although the sample reports look visually appealing, the web-based reports could tell a different story.


SelfDecode offers personalized DNA testing and provides health and wellness reports by analyzing your genetic data. 

It also offers genome analysis with a personalized genetics blog that helps you understand your DNA results.

Once you create a SelfDecode account, you can upload your raw DNA data.

A free report for a few traits is generated within a couple of hours.

SelfDecode Membership Plans

The annual membership subscription fee for SelfDecode is $99.

Depending on the services you’re interested in and whether or not you already have a raw DNA file, the total upfront payment can range from $298 to $695. 

After that, you will be billed a $99 fee annually.

Livewello Raw Data Analysis

Livewello accepts raw data files from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA, and Gene By Gene.

It offers 15 genetic reports and 160 health reports. However, the range of these reports is much smaller, with only a few SNPs studied per report.

Some of the reports include:

You can create an account for free, but reports require a membership.

Livewello’s payment plans range from $6.95 to $25 monthly or $75 to $215 yearly, with progressively better amenities.

A DNA kit may be purchased for $165 if required.

Livewello offers 20 reports. Some of them include:

The New StrateGene Analysis: 2024 Update

StrateGene initially offered a $295 DNA kit as the only sample collection model.

Now, they have switched to a virtual DNA data upload model.

You can upload your DNA raw data files from 23andMe to StrateGene. 

They offer one report, priced at $95, with information on nine essential processes in your body, including pathways for:

Users find the reports too complex to be of actual use. 

Strategene may not be the best choice for those who prefer easily understandable results and readily implementable recommendations.

Enlis Genomics 23andMe Raw Data Analysis

This 23andMe raw data analysis service provider is more for educational than direct consumer purposes.

Their service caters to research scientists. 

They analyze DNA data to find health risks associated with specific genetic variants.

The initial intention of developing this software is to allow researchers to analyze whole genome files. 

They have also added a software program for personal use and a free genome report accessible directly from their site.

While the service is free, understanding and interpreting the report takes a reasonable amount of scientific knowledge.

NutraHacker Raw Data Analysis: 2024 Update

Nutrahacker accepts raw DNA data from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, tellmeGen, or MyHeritage.

Upon registering with your details and uploading your raw DNA data, you can access a ‘Genotype Imputation’ report for free.

NutraHacker offers eight other genetic reports, including:

They advertise two bundle packs, a Detox and PharmaShield panel($300/year) and the WGS Critical Genetics panel ($395 one-time).

DNAFit Raw Data Analysis: 2024 Update

DNAFit now redirects to CircleDNA. They offer five categories of analyses, including:

Each of these reports costs $379 and includes collection kits.

A children’s DNA kit is available for $299 as well.

The report is available online. 

Initially, the information feels overwhelming.

However, the reports do have reasonably relevant background information.

The reports comprehensively include a list of the genes analyzed in the test and information about each gene.

If you are a hardcore athlete, consider CircleDNA.

Before you buy, check out our comparative blog on the top 5 DNA fitness report providers.

According to DNA Testing Choice, a popular genetic testing company review website, their privacy policy contains clauses regarding how DNAFit could pass on user data to third parties for research with or without client consent.

Lifenome Raw Data Analysis

Lifenome accepts DNA raw data files from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and FamilyTreeDNA. 

They offer reports on the following traits:

The reports are comprehensive and easy to understand, with clear implications and recommendations.

The site does not clearly indicate pricing or how to purchase these reports, which could deter some users from using Lifenome’s services.

Our Top 3 Picks For Raw DNA Data Analysis In 2024

1. Xcode Life

With the most reports and over 750 traits analyzed rapidly, Xcode Life is undoubtedly the best raw DNA data analysis tool in 2024.

Additionally, its website is user-friendly and compatible with 10+ DNA testing companies, including 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and FTDNA.

Xcode provides comprehensive, jargon-free, and interactive reports starting at just $20 with clear recommendations and information on each trait marker analyzed.

GenomeLink has a user-friendly website with different products that users can apply to all walks of life.

They provide a free report with over 100 traits upon account creation.

While the reports appear lucrative, it’s important to note that the rest of their reports and traits are accessible only through a $14/month subscription. Additionally, the value of their report bundles does not match their cost.

Despite this, their reports can help users understand their ancestry, curate their diets, and improve their workouts for a healthier lifestyle. 

3. SelfDecode

SelfDecode offers whole genome analysis, generating readable reports within a few hours.

It also offers free trait reports for a handful of markers upon account creation.

The comprehensive nature of these reports can significantly improve consumers’ knowledge of their disease risk and behavioral patterns.

Users thus remain informed and prepared on their genetic makeup.

Updated on July 24, 2024

Anti-inflammatory Diet: An Overview

Inflammation is not an enemy in typical cases. When your immune system identifies something as foreign, it triggers an inflammatory response, protecting your body against viruses and other pathogens.

However, in some cases, the inflammation continues to persist even if there’s no foreign invader.

This is where inflammation is the enemy, as it can increase your risk for conditions like:

An anti-inflammatory diet focuses on consuming foods that help naturally reduce inflammation in the body while avoiding foods that can trigger or worsen inflammation.

If you have a health condition that causes chronic inflammation, consuming an anti-inflammatory diet may alleviate your symptoms.

While the anti-inflammatory diet is safe, you must consult your doctor before starting it.

Who’s It For?

An anti-inflammatory diet benefits people with conditions that are caused by or worsen due to chronic inflammation. Some of these include:

Some research also states that eating an anti-inflammatory diet may reduce the risk of cancer.

What Are The Benefits?

Types Of Anti-inflammatory Diet (Food List PDF Below)

There are different types of anti-inflammatory diets, depending on the foods they recommend. Let’s take a brief look at the three most popular ones!

Mediterranean Diet

This diet focuses on the consumption of:

It recommends avoiding the following foods:


DASH, or the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, is similar to the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on consuming less or no salt and includes more low-fat dairy products. 


This diet combines a few parts of the Mediterranean diet with the DASH diet and is considered healthy for the brain.

It may guard against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

The MIND diet recommends the consumption of:

Like other anti-inflammatory diets, the MIND Diet advises limiting the following foods:

Components Of Anti-inflammatory Food List + PDF

Foods to IncreaseFoods to Decrease
Fruits and Vegetables
– Berries, cherries, peppers
– Sweet potato, pineapple, yellow bell pepper, squash, peaches
– Dark leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, green beans
– Blueberries, blackberries, grapes, eggplant, olives, plums, purple cabbage
– Grain-fed beef
– Processed meats
– Whole grains
– Bran cereal
– Nuts
– Brown rice
– Potato
– Partially hydrogenated oils
– Baked goods
– Fried foods
– Plant-based proteins (found in beans, legumes, nuts and seeds)
– Grass-fed meat and fish
Saturated fats
– Meats like lamb, pork, fatty beef, chicken with skin
– Dairy products
– Fruit juices
Herbs & Spices
– Ginger
– Turmeric
– Sage
– Cumin
– Cloves
– Cinnamon
– Paprika
– Tarragon
– Fatty fish
– Fish oil
– Whole grains
– Walnuts
*Eat more omega-3 fatty acids than omega-6 fatty acids.
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
– Olive oil
– Avocados
Dark chocolate containing 70% or more cocoa

Download PDF

Who Should Avoid An Anti-inflammatory Diet?

FAQs About Anti-inflammatory Diet

What Is The Number One Food That Kills Inflammation?

Oily or fatty fish, like sardines, salmon, trout, and herring, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 

These fatty acids have been associated with a reduction in C-reactive protein, a key inflammation marker.

What Can I Drink To Reduce Inflammation?

Several beverages and drinks can help reduce inflammation. Some of these include:

What Is The Strongest Natural Anti-Inflammatory?

Omega-3 fatty acids are the most potent natural anti-inflammatory. 

They are found abundantly in the following foods:

How Long Does It Take To Reduce Inflammation Through Diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet may take a few weeks to become effective. 

We must remember that an anti-inflammatory diet is not a magic pill; it can take longer than six or seven weeks to show effects.

What Foods To Avoid On An Anti-inflammatory Diet?

If you are on an anti-inflammatory diet, you must limit or avoid the consumption of the following foods:

Summary: Anti-inflammatory Diet + Food List PDF

  1. An anti-inflammatory diet involves consuming foods that naturally fight inflammation and avoiding foods that trigger inflammation.
  2. The primary benefit of an anti-inflammatory diet is that it reduces the body’s inflammation, a major causative and aggravating factor for many chronic diseases.
  3. The three commonly followed anti-inflammatory diets are the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and the MIND diet.
  4. Anti-inflammatory diet is not a weight loss plan and should not be used by anyone who wishes to lose weight.
  5. Oily or fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are the best food that kills inflammation.
  6. On an anti-inflammatory diet, you must avoid processed foods, foods with added sugar or salt, fried and fatty foods, and processed meat.


How quickly your heart rate drops after exercise speaks volumes about not just your fitness but overall well-being. Known as Cardio Recovery Rate or Heart Rate Recovery (HRR), this measurement is a key indicator of cardiovascular health. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the concept of HRR, explaining why it’s important, how to measure it, and what it can reveal about your heart. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your health journey, understanding HRR can empower you to make informed decisions and track your progress effectively.

What Is Cardio Recovery Rate or Heart Rate Recovery?

Cardio recovery rate, also known as heart rate recovery, reflects how swiftly your heart returns to its resting pace after exercise.

It’s calculated by taking the difference between your peak heart rate during exercise, and your heart rate a minute after you end your workout.

This difference is typically measured in beats per minute (bpm).

Doctors utilize HRR during exercise stress tests to evaluate cardiovascular health. Generally, a quicker HRR indicates a fitter heart.

You can also track your own HRR to measure your fitness level and monitor your progress over time.

Importance Of Cardio Recovery Rate

The importance of cardio recovery rate lies in its ability to reflect how effectively your heart is functioning and its potential to predict future heart-related problems.

During an exercise stress test, healthcare providers measure your HRR for several reasons:

An abnormal HRR might indicate issues with your autonomic nervous system, which regulates your heart rate and its return to normal post-exercise.

Problems with this system can increase your risk of conditions like:

Research suggests that individuals with a low HRR are more likely to suffer from heart disease and have a higher mortality risk.

What Does Heart Rate Recovery Indicate?

HRR indicates how well your cardiovascular system functions and how fit you are.

A fast HRR means your heart is healthy and your body is fit. It efficiently delivers oxygen to your muscles during workouts and clears waste afterward.

Conversely, slow HRR might mean problems with your body’s nervous system and could signal health issues like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes.

Thus, HRR signals your cardiovascular health and fitness level, showing how efficiently your body can recover after exertion.

How To Calculate Cardio/Heart Recovery Rate?

Calculating your cardio recovery rate is simple and requires a reliable heart rate monitor and some basic math. Follow these steps:

  1. Measure peak heart rate: Note the highest heart rate you reach at the end of your workout, typically after an intense exercise session.
  2. Measure heart rate after one minute: Stop exercising and rest for one minute, then measure your heart rate again.
  3. Calculate HRR: Subtract your heart rate after one minute from your peak heart rate.

For example, if your peak heart rate is 180 beats per minute (bpm) and your heart rate after one minute is 150 bpm, your HRR is 30 bpm (180 – 150 = 30).

Your heart rate recovery has two phases:

Using the one-minute method mainly focuses on the fast phase, which is commonly used and provides valuable insights into heart health.

Consult your doctor to find the best method and understand your ideal heart rate recovery range.

What Is A Good Cardio Recovery Rate?

A faster heart rate drop following exercise signifies a good cardio recovery rate.

Ideally, a decrease of 18 beats per minute or more within one minute of rest indicates efficient recovery.

However, what constitutes a favorable recovery rate varies from person to person.

Factors such as existing heart conditions, age, the type of exercise performed, and the duration of rest before checking the heart rate influence this.

Remember, while HRR is informative, it’s just one component in your comprehensive health assessment.

What Is The Optimal Cardio Recovery Rate By Age?

The optimal cardio recovery rate varies depending on your age. Generally, after 60 seconds of rest, a good heart rate recovery for most adults is 18 beats or higher. However, this number changes as you age:

Age Group (in Years)Target Heart Rate Recovery (in BPM)
20 to 2922
30 to 3922

It’s important to note that the intensity of your workout also affects your heart rate recovery.

During moderate activities, your heart rate typically falls between 50% and 70% of its maximum rate. It usually ranges from 70% to 85% of its maximum for vigorous activities.

So, your heart rate recovery number is based on your maximum heart rate during or at the end of your exercise, which varies depending on your age.

Cardio Recovery Rate Chart

This is a visual representation of cardio recovery rate by age group using a bar graph. X axis is beats per minute plotted against Y axis, which is the age group in years.

Factors Affecting Cardio Recovery Rate

Beyond the previously mentioned factors, several additional influences can impact your cardio recovery rate:

How To Improve Cardio Recovery Rate?

Regular exercise is key to achieving a faster heart rate recovery. The best approach for beginners is to start slowly and gradually increase intensity and duration.

Specifically, focusing on cardiovascular training can really help improve your cardio recovery rate. Mixing up your cardio workouts can yield the best results. Some types include:

If you exercise regularly, it’s important to consult your healthcare professional before trying a new workout routine or making any changes to your current plan.

For those with a history of heart problems, specialized cardiac rehab programs can significantly improve heart health and long-term well-being.

Other ways to improve your cardio recovery rate include:

Understanding how your heart recovers is crucial, regardless of age or heart problems. It’s never too early to start taking care of your heart for the future.


Cardio Recovery Rate or HRR reflects how quickly your heart returns to its resting rate after exercise, offering insights into cardiovascular health.

A faster HRR indicates a fitter heart, while a slower recovery might warrant investigation.

You can calculate your HRR by subtracting your heart rate one minute after exercise from the peak heart rate right after you stop your exercise.

The ideal HRR varies by age, with an average of 18 bpm or higher for most adults after one minute of rest.

Factors like dehydration, caffeine intake, and fatigue can influence your HRR.

Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercises, improving sleep quality, limiting caffeine intake, and hydrating sufficiently are some effective ways to improve cardio recovery rate.


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