Gene: LOC101928937

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 12

Location in Chromosome : 12q23.1

Description of this Gene: uncharacterized LOC101928937

Type of Gene: ncRNA

Gene: ANKS1B

Alternate names for this Gene: AIDA|AIDA-1|ANKS2|EB-1|EB1|cajalin-2

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a multi-domain protein that is predominantly expressed in brain and testis. This protein interacts with amyloid beta protein precursor (AbetaPP) and may have a role in normal brain development, and in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Expression of this gene has been shown to be elevated in patients with pre-B cell acute lymphocytic leukemia associated with t(1;19) translocation. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms (some with different subcellular localization, PMID:15004329) have been described for this gene.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 12

Location in Chromosome : 12q23.1

Description of this Gene: ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1B

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs10745843 in LOC101928937;ANKS1B gene and Bipolar Disorder PMID 31043756 2019 Genome-wide association study identifies 30 loci associated with bipolar disorder.

rs10745843 in LOC101928937;ANKS1B gene and Depressed bipolar I disorder PMID 31043756 2019 Genome-wide association study identifies 30 loci associated with bipolar disorder.

rs10745841 in LOC101928937;ANKS1B gene and Schizophrenia PMID 26198764 2015 Genome-wide association study of schizophrenia in Ashkenazi Jews.