Gene: WDR60

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs2730245 in WDR60 gene and Body Height PMID 18391950 2008 Identification of ten loci associated with height highlights new biological pathways in human growth.

rs2730245 in WDR60 gene and Height PMID 18391950 2008 Identification of ten loci associated with height highlights new biological pathways in human growth.

rs587777065 in WDR60 gene and SHORT-RIB THORACIC DYSPLASIA 8 WITH OR WITHOUT POLYDACTYLY PMID 23910462 2013 Short-rib polydactyly and Jeune syndromes are caused by mutations in WDR60.

PMID 25492405 2015 Whole exome sequencing is an efficient, sensitive and specific method for determining the genetic cause of short-rib thoracic dystrophies.