Variant: rs2069772

present in Gene: IL2 present in Chromosome: 4 Position on Chromosome: 122451978 Alleles of this Variant: T/A;C

rs2069772 in IL2 gene and Allergic Reaction PMID 23817569 2013 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of self-reported allergy identifies shared and allergy-specific susceptibility loci.

rs2069772 in IL2 gene and Celiac Disease PMID 25920553 2016 Common polygenic variation in coeliac disease and confirmation of ZNF335 and NIFA as disease susceptibility loci.

rs2069772 in IL2 gene and Hay fever PMID 22036096 2011 A genome-wide meta-analysis of genetic variants associated with allergic rhinitis and grass sensitization and their interaction with birth order.