Condition: Astigmatism

rs10946507 in CASC15 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

PMID 25367360 2015 Genome-wide association study for refractive astigmatism reveals genetic co-determination with spherical equivalent refractive error: the CREAM consortium.

rs6029691 in CHD6 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs795544 in DNAH5 gene and Astigmatism PMID 23322567 2013 Identification of a candidate gene for astigmatism.

rs17172445 in EGFR gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs1129038 in HERC2 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs1151008 in LINC02422 gene and Astigmatism PMID 23761726 2013 Interrogation of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha locus and corneal astigmatism in Australians of Northern European ancestry: results of a genome-wide association study.

rs7534824 in LOC101928334 gene and Astigmatism PMID 25367360 2015 Genome-wide association study for refractive astigmatism reveals genetic co-determination with spherical equivalent refractive error: the CREAM consortium.

rs2309717 in LOC105374557 gene and Astigmatism PMID 25367360 2015 Genome-wide association study for refractive astigmatism reveals genetic co-determination with spherical equivalent refractive error: the CREAM consortium.

rs1366200 in LVRN gene and Astigmatism PMID 25367360 2015 Genome-wide association study for refractive astigmatism reveals genetic co-determination with spherical equivalent refractive error: the CREAM consortium.

rs116771750 in LYPLAL1-AS1 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs10177414 in MFF gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs34635363 in NPLOC4 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs7677751 in PDGFRA gene and Astigmatism PMID 22144915 2011 Genome-wide meta-analysis of five Asian cohorts identifies PDGFRA as a susceptibility locus for corneal astigmatism.

rs115732928 in PROX1-AS1 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs7866070 in PRRX2 gene and Astigmatism PMID 20585627 2010 Web-based, participant-driven studies yield novel genetic associations for common traits.

rs397507520 in PTPN11 gene and Astigmatism PMID 11992261 2002 PTPN11 mutations in Noonan syndrome: molecular spectrum, genotype-phenotype correlation, and phenotypic heterogeneity.

PMID 18372317 2008 Diverse driving forces underlie the invariant occurrence of the T42A, E139D, I282V and T468M SHP2 amino acid substitutions causing Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes.

PMID 16358218 2006 Diversity and functional consequences of germline and somatic PTPN11 mutations in human disease.

rs139743 in SGSM1 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs77008212 in TRAF3IP1 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs3771395 in VAX2 gene and Astigmatism PMID 23322567 2013 Identification of a candidate gene for astigmatism.