Condition: response to alcohol

rs140154945 in AFDN gene and response to alcohol PMID 31270906 2020 Genome-wide association studies of the self-rating of effects of ethanol (SRE).

rs671 in ALDH2 gene and response to alcohol PMID 24277619 2014 "ALDH2 is associated to alcohol dependence and is the major genetic determinant of ""daily maximum drinks"" in a GWAS study of an isolated rural Chinese sample."

rs146298733 in DLGAP1 gene and response to alcohol PMID 30276832 2018 Meta-Analysis of Genetic Influences on Initial Alcohol Sensitivity.

rs4770359 in LOC105370111 gene and response to alcohol PMID 31270906 2020 Genome-wide association studies of the self-rating of effects of ethanol (SRE).

rs10647170 in PRMT3 gene and response to alcohol PMID 31270906 2020 Genome-wide association studies of the self-rating of effects of ethanol (SRE).

rs143894582 in PTPN11 gene and response to alcohol PMID 29460428 2018 Genomewide Association Study of Alcohol Dependence and Related Traits in a Thai Population.