Gene: LINC00446

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: OBI1-AS1

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and Adenocarcinoma of large intestine PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1819436 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and Birth Weight PMID 27680694 2016 Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and COLORECTAL CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1 PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and COLORECTAL CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 10 PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and COLORECTAL CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 12 PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and COLORECTAL CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 3 PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and Colorectal Carcinoma PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and Colorectal Neoplasms PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and Malignant neoplasm of large intestine PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.

rs1330889 in LINC00446;OBI1-AS1 gene and Malignant tumor of colon PMID 31089142 2019 Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility.