Variant: rs10455025

present in Gene: TSLP present in Chromosome: 5 Position on Chromosome: 111069301 Alleles of this Variant: A/C

rs10455025 in TSLP gene and Allergic Reaction PMID 23817569 2013 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of self-reported allergy identifies shared and allergy-specific susceptibility loci.

rs10455025 in TSLP gene and Asthma PMID 29273806 2018 Multiancestry association study identifies new asthma risk loci that colocalize with immune-cell enhancer marks.

rs10455025 in TSLP gene and Eosinophil count procedure PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.