Variant: rs11557467

present in Gene: ZPBP2 present in Chromosome: 17 Position on Chromosome: 39872381 Alleles of this Variant: G/T

rs11557467 in ZPBP2 gene and Allergic Reaction PMID 23817569 2013 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of self-reported allergy identifies shared and allergy-specific susceptibility loci.

rs11557467 in ZPBP2 gene and Asthma PMID 20860503 2010 A large-scale, consortium-based genomewide association study of asthma.

rs11557467 in ZPBP2 gene and Childhood asthma PMID 17611496 2007 Genetic variants regulating ORMDL3 expression contribute to the risk of childhood asthma.

rs11557467 in ZPBP2 gene and Primary biliary cirrhosis PMID 22961000 2012 Dense fine-mapping study identifies new susceptibility loci for primary biliary cirrhosis.

PMID 22936693 2012 Immunochip analyses identify a novel risk locus for primary biliary cirrhosis at 13q14, multiple independent associations at four established risk loci and epistasis between 1p31 and 7q32 risk variants.