Variant: rs3806932

present in Gene: TSLP present in Chromosome: 5 Position on Chromosome: 111069977 Alleles of this Variant: A/G

rs3806932 in TSLP gene and Allergic Reaction PMID 23817569 2013 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of self-reported allergy identifies shared and allergy-specific susceptibility loci.

rs3806932 in TSLP gene and Asthma PMID 21907864 2011 Identification of IL6R and chromosome 11q13.5 as risk loci for asthma.

rs3806932 in TSLP gene and Eosinophilic esophagitis PMID 20208534 2010 Common variants at 5q22 associate with pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis.