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South Asian Genome Project (SAGE)

Update: The South Asian Genome Project is no longer active.

Celebrate your South Asian Ancestry.
Support Genetic Research.

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the SAGE project. We are temporarily pausing collection of data to analyse what we have received so far. We will be re-initiating the SAGE project soon. Please check back in few months.

At Xcode Life we are looking to build a South Asian genome database to ensure that individuals with South Asian roots are well represented in our genome databases. We are one of the few companies in the world performing high quality ancestry genetic testing. We want to ensure that South Asian population is not denied the fulfilling experience of discovering their roots.

In this effort to make the South Asian population sufficiently represented in our reference database your participation is valuable since you know where your family came from. We currently have more than 35 ethnic groups. However there are many others which are not included and your participation will help in representing that ethnic group.

What is in it for me?

When you participate in this study you will receive your Xcode Origin Ancestry report worth $40 free of cost, as a token of appreciation of your participation in this study.


You must be above 18 years of age
Must have South Asian ancestry composition above 50%

Fill in a short questionnaire about your roots and check your eligibility to participate in the project.

After an internal verification process, you will be sent a coupon code for $40. Please use the coupon code during checkout and purchase an Ancestry report from here.

You can then upload your raw data file from 23andme, Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA, Genes for Good, Living DNA or MyHeritage DNA, to your Xcode account.

Check your eligibility for SAGE" font_container=

Why is Xcode Life conducting this study?

Through this effort we seek to increase the number of  South Asian ethnic groups that are covered in our ancestry report.

This will in-turn help to expand the global representation of South Asians in ancestry genetic testing.

How do you protect the confidentiality of my data?

We store your raw data in our reference database as an anonymized data set. All personal identifiers including name and contact information are removed. The raw data will be stored only with the corresponding population label.

Will you share my genetic data with third parties?

We do not share your raw data with any third party companies or research institutes. Please refer to our Privacy Policy to know how we protect client data.

For how long will I have access to my Xcode Life account?

You will have access to your Xcode account indefinitely.

My raw data provider is not in the given list.

In that case please send in your raw data to Our technical team will get back to you to tell you if your raw data is compatible or not.

For participating in this study you will need your raw data from any of the providers listed above. If not you can buy your ancestry DNA kit from our recommended list of providers below and come back to us when you get your raw data.
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