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January 8, 2021
How Genes Influence Your Tendency To Prefer Sweet Foods

Overview You must have heard people say that they have a ‘sweet tooth.’ They always tend to crave sugary drinks […]

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January 8, 2021
How Genes Influence Your Tendency To Overeat

Overview Overeating is a common problem with adults and children across the world. Overeating is a recognized disorder, and about […]

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January 8, 2021
How Genes Influence Your Tendency To Regain Weight?

One of the major challenges faced by obese people in terms of weight loss and management is the prevention of […]

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January 8, 2021
How Genes Influence Your Copper Requirements

Copper is an essential mineral for the body. Along with iron, it plays a vital role in the formation of […]

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January 8, 2021
How Genes Influence The Tendency to Gain Weight?

Weight gain is an increase in body weight which can occur due to increase in muscle mass, fatty acids accumulation […]

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November 24, 2020
Study Finds That Excess Egg Consumption May Lead To Increased Diabetes Risk

Eggs have been a part of our diet for thousands of years now. Being high in protein and several vitamins, […]

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