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July 13, 2024
Red Hair Gene: How To Know If You Are A Carrier?

Less than 2% of the global population carries the red hair gene, one of the most intriguing human traits. It […]

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June 10, 2024
Is Dandruff Genetic? Understanding The Roots

Did you know that dandruff impacts 50% of the world’s population? It results in flakes on the hair and shoulders, […]

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December 23, 2023
The Genetics Of Hair Photobleaching Or Sun-Bleached Hair

Do you love the balayage look and want it on yourself but don’t want to damage your hair by bleaching […]

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November 20, 2023
Are Stretch Marks Genetic?

Are stretch marks genetic? Stretch marks are caused by collagen & elastin breakage when there is excess pressure on them when the skin expands or shrinks.

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September 26, 2023
Is Curly Hair Genetic? How DNA Affects Your Hair Type

The curly girl method took the internet by storm and became a much-needed blessing for all those flaunting their gorgeous […]

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August 19, 2023
The “Red Hair” Variants: rs1805007 And rs1805008

A simple change in two letters of your DNA can lead to red hair. Two common genetic variants, rs1805007 and […]

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