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Let’s be real. We have all tried one of those “trendy” diets that seem to do miraculous things to your health – be it a significant drop in weight or a healthy and “natural” glow to your skin. But how many of us actually have been able to lose weight on such diets or avoid weight regain? You may not see too many hands go up for this one. The reason is everyone’s body is unique and has different needs when it comes to nutrition. What works for one person may not work for another. Their paths to success might differ due to their unique genetic makeup. This is where nutrigenomics, the science exploring the interplay between genes and diet, steps in. Studying gene reactions to different diets (low-fat, low-carb) helps personalize dietary advice based on your unique genetic makeup. Continue reading to learn about nutrigenomics, its testing benefits, disease prevention role, and day-to-day applications.

The interaction between your diet and genes impacts everything from weight management and vitamin needs to food intolerances and eating behavior. You can use your existing ancestry test DNA data to unlock all this information with Xcode Life’s Gene Nutrition report. Learn more.

What Is Nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics, or nutritional genomics, studies how food and genes interact. 

It tells us there’s no one perfect diet because we all have slightly different genetic makeups. What works for your friend’s body might work differently for yours!

Here’s a simple way to think about it:

So nutrigenomics tries listening to this nutrient-gene conversation to customize nutrition advice. 

Nutrigenetics vs. Nutrigenomics: Is There A Difference?

Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics explore the complex relationship between nutrients and our genetic makeup, but they do so from distinct perspectives.



Importance In Modern Health And Nutrition

Nutrigenomics is increasingly influential in modern health and nutrition, offering personalized healthcare and disease prevention possibilities. Here’s how:

While still growing, nutrigenomics promises personalized nutrition and preventive medicine, improving health outcomes. 

Remember, consulting healthcare professionals before dietary changes based on genetic information is crucial.

Science Behind Nutrigenomics

Our genes affect just about every aspect of nutrition, from how our bodies break down macros and micros to food intolerances and preferences.

For example, if a person has an excess of caffeine-metabolizing enzyme, they may be able to drink seven cups of coffee a day without experiencing any jitteriness or sleep issues.

On the other hand, if they are deficient in lactase-producing genes, they may not be able to add milk to their coffees without experiencing abdominal discomfort.

Another gene called FTO has garnered attention for its role in body weight regulation. 

Variations in this gene can influence a person’s metabolism, how they burn energy, and their overall energy balance, all of which contribute to weight management challenges or advantages.

Each individual carries a distinct combination of genetic “pros” and “cons” when it comes to nutrition and metabolism. 

Nutrigenomic analysis allows us to make more informed dietary choices to enhance health and mitigate disease risks. 

While genetics are undoubtedly a crucial piece of the puzzle, it’s also clear that lifestyle and environmental factors significantly shape how our bodies respond to what we eat.

Genetic predispositions, which some may view as “disadvantages,” can often be mitigated with strategic diet and lifestyle modifications. 

For example, if a genetic variant tends to predispose you to overeat, incorporating foods that are high in satiety in your main meals and opting for healthier snacks can help curb this tendency.

Nutrigenomics opens the door to a more personalized approach to nutrition, emphasizing the power of understanding our genetic profiles. 

It teaches us that while we may have genetic predispositions that influence our nutritional health, we are not bound by our DNA. 

With the insights provided by nutrigenomics, combined with mindful lifestyle choices, we can take control of our health, turning genetic knowledge into a tool for personalized wellness strategies. 

The Process And Benefits Of Nutrigenomics Testing

Direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies like Xcode Life now allow users to order a nutrition genetic test without requiring a doctor’s help.

How Does Nutrigenomics Testing Work?

Genetic testing looks at your DNA to find mutations (variations) that could lead to health issues.

Nutrigenomic testing is a genetic test that shows your specific nutritional needs. 

It’s done by swabbing your cheek and sending the sample to a lab to examine specific nutrition-related genes.

After sequencing the genes, lab companies and healthcare providers in nutrigenomics analyze the results to understand what they mean for your health.

How To Take A Nutrigenomics Test

To take a nutrigenomics test, you typically need to provide a saliva or blood sample. The phlebotomist provides the testing tool kit.

Most saliva tests are done using at-home DNA test kits.

This sample is analyzed in a laboratory to identify specific genetic variations related to nutrition and health.

DNA data analysis companies such as Xcode Life allow users to upload their existing genetic ancestry test DNA data to provide insights on 48 crucial nutrition aspects

How Much Does The Nutrigenomics Test Cost?

The cost of nutrigenomics testing can vary depending on the provider and the comprehensiveness of the test. Prices typically range from $300 to a few thousand dollars.

Xcode Life’s Gene Nutrition Report: 48 Traits for $40

(DNA kit not included; only for those who have already taken a DNA ancestry test)

What Is The Best Nutrigenomics Test?

As individual needs and goals vary, no single best test exists. To find your perfect match:

Is Nutrigenomics Useful In Weight Loss?

Nutrigenomics can provide insights into how your genes influence metabolism and appetite regulation. 

This, in turn, impacts fat-burning efforts.

Further, it also helps identify your ideal macro breakup by shedding light on how well your body processes carbs, fats, and protein.

However, it’s not a guaranteed solution and should be combined with a healthy lifestyle. Remember, research is ongoing, and its definitive role in weight loss currently has limited evidence.

What Role Does Nutrigenomics Play In Disease Prevention?

According to the Current Research In Nutrition And Food Science, nutrigenomic studies help prevent diseases like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, gestational diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Similarly, diet plays a role in about 30–40% of all cancer cases. Numerous studies suggest that breast, prostate, liver, colon, and lung cancers are associated with dietary habits.

Nutrigenomics can assess a person’s unique nutritional needs based on their genes, creating a personalized diet. It also aids in treating and preventing chronic diseases.

The role of Nutrigenomics in Disease Prevention is as follows:

Practical Applications of Nutrigenomics in Daily Life

Since recognizing the right to food in 1948, there has been major progress in making food available worldwide.

International trade and organizations like the Codex Alimentarius Commission have helped ensure food safety and nutrition globally. 

However, in recent years, challenges have arisen, such as increased consumption of processed foods and sedentary lifestyles.

The same has resulted in more lifestyle-related diseases, especially in developing countries.

With advances in understanding how food, nutrition, and genes interact, a new field called Nutritional Genomics or Nutrigenomics has emerged. 

This field focuses on personalized dietary interventions based on genetic makeup to manage nutrition-related diseases and improve health outcomes.

The practical applications of nutrigenomics in daily life include:

Ethical and Regulatory Challenges

Nutrigenomics is exciting, but integrating it into public healthcare poses several crucial ethical and regulatory challenges. Here’s why:

By tackling these challenges, we can make sure everyone benefits from the exciting possibilities of nutrigenomics.

Addressing Lifestyle and Environmental Factors

About 60% of deaths worldwide resulted from lifestyle-associated chronic diseases, double that of infectious diseases.

Nutrigenomics is no science or magic that can be a one-stop solution for all your health issues. Your lifestyle and environmental factors play a significant role, too. 

Prolonged exposure to a poor lifestyle and environmental conditions can harm your health despite eating a good diet. 

These dos and don’ts can help you maintain healthy genes and body:


Nutrigenomics is the study of how nutrients influence genetic makeup.

Nutrigenomic testing is a genetic test that shows your specific nutritional needs. It’s done by swabbing your cheek and sending it to a lab to examine around 70 or more specific genes.

The testing helps you identify your nutritional needs and get a personalized diet plan for yourself. The diet plan can also help in weight balance and disease control. 

However, nutrigenomics alone cannot be a one-stop solution for all your health issues. It’s also essential to check your lifestyle and environmental conditions. 


Superfood is a term used to describe a nutrient-dense food item that can help protect you against multiple health concerns. While many exotic foods are claimed to be superfoods by social media, not all of these claims are supported by science. Spirulina has long been used as a source of nutrition in many cultures worldwide. Researchers have found that Spirulina is a superfood and can do wonders for your health. It also has proven health benefits specifically for men, making Spirulina an incredible superfood.

What Is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is also one of the oldest life forms on earth.

It is a type of cyanobacteria, a single-celled microbe colloquially termed blue-green algae.

Spirulina has been a food source in Mexico and South Africa for centuries.

It has numerous health benefits, is often used as a supplement, and is a common ingredient in smoothies and energy bars.

Spirulina Nutrient Chart Label

According to the US Department of Food and Agriculture, one teaspoon of Spirulina contains:

How To Use Spirulina

Spirulina is usually available as a powder.

Mix it in a glass of water, add it to your morning oatmeal or smoothie, or sprinkle it on salads.

Most people find Spirulina neutral, so it won’t affect the taste of the food you add it to.

10 Benefits Of Spirulina For Men

Infographic explaining 10 benefits of spirulina for men. For each point, there's a vector icon followed by a line of text.
  1. May improve prostate health and testosterone production: Some studies show that Spirulina can be especially beneficial for men’s prostate health and improve testosterone production. Spirulina can help prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia, an enlargement of the prostate that can cause urinary problems in men. Some studies also show that taking Spirulina can help improve the stamina of male athletes by enhancing testosterone production.
  2. May help with sexual health: Spirulina can help improve men’s sexual health by helping reverse erectile dysfunction. Spirulina is rich in arginine, a compound that helps produce nitric acid. It can improve blood flow to the penile tissues and prevent erectile dysfunction. Some smaller studies show that Spirulina can improve sperm count and motility.  
  3. May protect against heart disease: According to a 2018 study, spirulina supplements can help lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood. Another study found that Spirulina can help prevent inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, which protects you from heart disease. Spirulina also has antioxidant properties and can thus improve cardiovascular health.
  4. May help prevent cancer: Spirulina’s anti-inflammatory properties can help protect against cancer. Phycocyanin, the pigment that gives Spirulina its blue-green color, can also kill cancer cells and prevent tumor formation. 
  5. May keep blood glucose levels in check: A 2021 study showed that Spirulina can help keep blood glucose levels in check. It contains 4 grams of protein per tablespoon and can significantly lower fasting blood glucose levels. However, this doesn’t mean that Spirulina can replace your diabetes medications.
  6. May protect against allergies: Spirulina can help protect against allergies by stopping the release of histamine, a chemical that causes allergy symptoms. One study found that those taking spirulina supplements significantly relieved rhinitis symptoms. 
  7. May prevent anemia: Anemia lacks red blood cells and can cause extreme fatigue. According to a study conducted on senior citizens, Spirulina can help improve hemoglobin content in red blood cells. 
  8. May support immune system functioning: Spirulina is rich in vitamins E, C, and B6, all responsible for maintaining a healthy immune system. It also boosts white blood cell and antibody production, which helps the body fight off infections.
  9. May boost oral and eye health: Spirulina has zeaxanthin, a pigment that can lower the risk of developing cataracts. Its antibacterial properties can reduce dental plaque and gingivitis.
  10. May support mental health: Surprising as it may sound, Spirulina can help protect you against certain mental disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, etc. Most of these are linked to lowered serotonin production in the brain. Spirulina contains tryptophan, an amino acid that can boost serotonin production in the brain.   

How Long Does It Take For Spirulina To Work?

It can take 1-3 weeks, or sometimes more than that, for Spirulina to affect your overall health.

Spirulina’s effects on health depend on health, physical activity, and food consumption. 

You will see faster results if you follow a healthy lifestyle and take spirulina supplements. 

Does Spirulina Have Any Side Effects?

Consuming Spirulina can be highly beneficial for your health.

However, it can also come with certain risks.

During Spirulina’s growth in marine water, it can accumulate heavy metals, harmful bacteria, and microcystins that can damage your liver.

Spirulina is an anticoagulant with blood-thinning properties, so those with clotting disorders should avoid it.

Spirulina also contains an amino acid called phenylalanine, which can be harmful to those with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria. 

Who Should Not Take Spirulina?

You should not take Spirulina if you are

Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any supplements.

Other FAQs of Spirulina Benefits For Men

Does Spirulina Increase Testosterone In Men?

Spirulina can increase the production of testosterone in men.

This, in turn, can improve athletic performance and sexual health. 

What Happens To Your Body When You Start Taking Spirulina?

Spirulina is rich in antioxidants that lower inflammation in the body.

When taking Spirulina regularly, you may notice less joint pain and bloating and clearer skin.

Over time, Spirulina may improve your heart and gut health and help you lose excess weight.

Does Spirulina Increase Muscle Growth?

Research shows that Spirulina can help strengthen your muscles.

In one study, men took a 6-gram spirulina supplement every day for a month.

They reported enjoying more extended periods of exercise without fatigue than those who didn’t take the supplement. 

Does Spirulina Increase Stamina?

Spirulina contains up to 4 grams of protein per tablespoon.

Consuming it may increase stamina and improve athletic performance


Spirulina, a single-celled microbe, has long been a food source in many cultures.

Now, scientists have found that Spirulina has a lot of health benefits, especially for men.

Spirulina is rich in antioxidants and can reduce inflammation in the body, improving heart health. 

It can also help control diabetes and protect against cancers.

In men, it can improve prostate health and increase testosterone production.

Spirulina is usually safe for consumption.

However, as with all supplements, it is a good idea to consult your doctor before taking Spirulina. 


The MTHFR gene is key to a process called methylation, which pretty much runs the entire show in our human body, regulating innumerable critical functions. The importance of a well-functioning methylation cycle, thus, cannot be overstated. But when there are unfavorable changes in the MTHFR gene, methylation could be affected, increasing your risk for numerous health conditions. A genetic methylation test is a simple way to identify whether or not you carry the MTHFR gene changes. Well, what if you do? The fix is as simple as it gets. Read on to learn more about MTHFR and methylation, how to get a genetic methylation test, and ways to combat MTHFR mutations.

MTHFR and Methylation: A Brief Overview

Methylation is a critical biochemical process within the human body, governing myriad functions from DNA production to brain chemical synthesis. 

This intricate process is vital in regulating key bodily systems, including cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification pathways.

At its core, methylation is about turning biological gears and switches on and off, enabling the body to function optimally.

Central to this process is the MTHFR gene, which encodes for the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.

This enzyme is instrumental in processing amino acids, the fundamental building blocks of proteins. MTHFR’s significance is particularly pronounced in a chemical reaction involving different forms of vitamin B9 (folate).

This reaction is a crucial step in the methylation process.

The MTHFR enzyme also aids in converting homocysteine into methionine, an essential compound needed by the body for protein synthesis and the formation of other critical substances.

What Is A Genetic Methylation Test?

The methylation pathway in our bodies is influenced by many genes. The most important one is the MTHFR gene. Others include:

  1. MTRR
  2. MTR
  3. AHCY
  4. COMT

A methylation genetic test analyzes these genes associated with the methylation pathway to look for any changes or variants that may result in less-than-optimal functioning.

The results can help you understand your methylation status and underline nutritional needs to support your methylation.

The MTHFR Gene Variants And Methylation

In the study of genetics, a variant refers to any deviation in the DNA sequence from what is typically expected. 

Focusing on the MTHFR gene, each individual carries two copies of this gene, inheriting one from each parent. 

Approximately 25% of people of Hispanic descent and between 10–15% of people of Caucasian descent in the United States have two copies of the C677T mutation. 

These mutations are particularly important because they can lead to elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood. 

Homocysteine is an amino acid that, at high levels, may be associated with a range of health issues, including:

Understanding the possible genotypes for these MTHFR variants is crucial in determining an individual’s genetic predisposition to these health issues. 

The C677T Variant

The A1298C Variant

Image showing a schematic hierarchy depicting how the MTHFR mutation is inherited

Xcode Life Methylation Genetic Test – What Is It?

The Xcode Life Methylation Genetic Test utilizes raw data obtained from popular ancestry genetic testing service providers like ​23andMe, ​Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), Living DNA, and My Heritage to provide the MTHFR and Methylation report.

The test analyzes more than 15 genes associated with the methylation pathway.

The test specifically detects two common mutations in the MTHFR gene: 

  1. C677T – rs1801133
  2. A1298C – rs1801131

The MTHFR Report will indicate whether these mutations were detected in the individual’s genetic data. 

In addition to the detection of mutations, the report may also provide an interpretation of the results. 

The report also has a section titled “Other MTHFR SNPs,” which profiles your genotypes for variations in the other methylation genes, which are associated, in varying degrees, with MTHFR enzyme activity. 

For a sample MTHFR report/ preview of the report, click here.

Did You Know?

The DNA data from your genetic ancestry test can be used to identify if you have MTHFR gene mutations. You can discuss these results with your doctor, who can recommend the correct course of action for you. Download your DNA data and upload it to Xcode Life to learn about MTHFR and 1,500+ things about your health. Learn more.

Katy Says

I’m so glad I confirmed once and for all about my MTHFR status. The genetic testing my practitoner offered was extortionate. After completing my AncestryDNA I was able to upload my raw data file with Xcode Life at a very reasonable price and receive a report that was very easy to understand. I now have a concrete plan on how to go about lowering my homocysteine and checking it’s status every year… Read More.  

How To Interpret The Methylation Genetic Test?

In Xcode Life’s MTHFR report, the initial section will specify which, if any, of the 2 prominent variants of the MTHFR gene you have.

Depending on the results, the MTHFR enzyme activity will be provided as a bar diagram.

If the pointer is in orange or red, please discuss the results with your doctor so that they can correlate them with family history and clinical symptoms to recommend suitable supplementation if you require any.

The next section of the report includes information on variants in other genes that partially influence MTHFR enzyme activity.

The presence of a large number of homozygous (2 risk variants- red color) of high-ranking SNPs may be associated with lower enzymatic activity.

5 Ways To Improve Methylation Naturally

Improving methylation, a crucial biological process, can significantly impact overall health. Here are five natural ways to enhance methylation:

  1. Adopt a Nutrient-dense Diet: Focus on whole, unprocessed foods rich in natural folate, B vitamins (including B6 and B12), magnesium, zinc, and protein.
    These nutrients are essential methyl donors and key components of normal methylation.
    Foods particularly beneficial for methylation include dark leafy greens, asparagus, avocado, garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables (like kale and broccoli), fish, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, grass-fed meats, and probiotic foods.
    High-antioxidant foods, such as berries, citrus fruits, and dark chocolate, are also valuable.
    It’s equally important to limit inflammatory foods like gluten, added sugar, processed meats, and refined vegetable oils.
  2. Supplement Appropriately: Alongside a healthy diet, supplements can fill nutritional gaps.
    Your doctor can prescribe high-quality multivitamins or specific supplements providing adequate daily values of L-methylfolate, vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin), vitamin B6, vitamin B2, zinc, vitamin D3, magnesium, betaine, and protein powders like collagen or whey.
  3. Exercise Regularly and Prioritize Sleep: Managing stress through regular exercise and sufficient sleep is vital for optimal methylation.
    Aim for at least 30 minutes of daily exercise and 7-9 hours of sleep each night to combat free radicals and promote detoxification.
  4. Limit Exposure to Harmful Substances: Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain medications that can impair liver function and disrupt methylation.
    This includes being mindful of various drugs, such as some antibiotics, birth control pills, antidepressants, and cholesterol-lowering drugs, which may deplete folate levels or interfere with methylation.
  5. Reduce Toxin Exposure and Support Detoxification: Since methylation is closely linked to detoxification, minimizing exposure to toxins is crucial.
    This includes avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, and harsh chemicals in cleaning agents and beauty products.

Bonus Tips 

Additional strategies include increasing the intake of coenzyme Q10, phosphatidylcholine, folinic or l-methylfolate, and vitamins B6 and B12, which are integral to the methylation process. 

Maintaining gut health, improving stomach acid, and supplementing with antioxidants, magnesium, and zinc can also support proper homocysteine metabolism.

Remember, while these natural approaches can improve methylation, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice, especially regarding supplementation and diet modifications.

Summary: Methylation Genetic Test

Methylation is a vital biochemical process in our bodies, influenced significantly by the MTHFR gene and its two important variants, C677T and A1298C. 

These common genetic mutations, found in a significant portion of the population, can lead to elevated homocysteine levels and associated health risks. 

The Xcode Life Methylation Genetic Test offers an in-depth analysis of these variants using data from popular ancestry testing services. It provides a comprehensive MTHFR report, helping individuals understand their genetic predisposition to methylation-related issues.

To support optimal methylation, adopting a nutrient-dense diet, supplementing appropriately, regular exercise, adequate sleep, limiting exposure to harmful substances, and reducing toxin exposure are key strategies. 

Additionally, incorporating specific nutrients and supplements like coenzyme Q10, phosphatidylcholine, folinic acid, and vitamins B6 and B12 can further enhance methylation processes. 

It’s important to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance and to ensure these natural methods align with your individual health needs.


Experiencing bloating and tiredness after meals? Does your stomach ache, or do you find it hard to concentrate after eating certain foods? There might be a hidden cause – lectins. Though found in many healthy foods, lectins can cause problems for some people, like tummy troubles, skin issues, and feeling worn out. Keep reading to learn about lectins, which foods have lots of them, signs to watch for, and most importantly – what you can do if they’re making you feel unwell. If you want to take charge of your health and feel better, this article gives simple tips and useful information about dealing with lectins.

Certain gene changes can make you prone to food intolerance and drug allergies. These genes are mostly involved in immune system regulation, and changes in them may result in the immune system attacking some components in the food. You can use your ancestry genetic testing data to uncover this information. Learn more.

What Is Lectin Intolerance?

Lectin intolerance is a food sensitivity that occurs when certain people react badly to foods with lots of lectins.

Lectins are proteins in plants like beans, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They stick to carbohydrates in our guts, messing with how we absorb nutrients and causing digestive discomfort.

While lectins are usually fine for most people, some might experience adverse reactions or other symptoms after consuming them.

Lectin intolerance can cause various symptoms, highlighting the significant impact on overall health and well-being.

This is an infographic displaying various symptoms of lectin intolerance from digestive problems to insomnia.

What Foods Are High In Lectin?

Several commonly consumed foods have high levels of lectins. Here are 6 examples:

  1. Red kidney beans: These protein-rich beans contain high levels of lectins that can upset your stomach if the beans aren’t cooked properly.
  2. Soybeans: A great plant-based protein, but the lectins need to be removed through thorough cooking or processing before eating.
  3. Wheat: A staple food for many, but raw wheat, especially the germ, is loaded with lectins. Cooking and processing significantly reduce this.
  4. Peanuts: These legumes have healthy fats and protein, but roasting or heating doesn’t reduce their lectins, which may cause problems.
  5. Tomatoes: Nutritious with vitamin C and lycopene, but tomatoes also contain lectins. However, evidence of them causing issues is limited.
  6. Potatoes: Nutritious and versatile, but like tomatoes, potatoes are nightshades containing lectins that can bother some people.

Adding to the list of foods already mentioned above as high in lectins, here are some more examples:

Causes Of Lectin Intolerance

Understanding what might increase the risk of lectin intolerance is crucial for managing symptoms. Here are some potential factors:

Lectin Sensitivity Genes

The specific genes associated with lectin sensitivity are still being studied, but two genes might be involved:

  1. CNR1: This gene affects gut function and inflammation. A specific version of CNR1, called rs1049353, might make people more sensitive to lectins.
  2. MTHFR: This gene deals with folate and DNA. Some studies suggest specific versions of MTHFR might make it harder for the body to detoxify, which could make someone more sensitive to lectins.

Remember, lectin sensitivity involves many genes and other factors, and research is still ongoing to understand it better.

FAQs About Lectin Intolerance

Are Bananas High In Lectin?

Bananas contain moderate lectins, but they are mostly harmless, called agglutinins. The human gut does not readily absorb these agglutinins, and they do not cause significant health problems for most people.

Is Coffee High In Lectins?

While coffee does contain lectins, the amount is generally considered low and not thought to be harmful to most people. Some studies suggest that coffee may have some health benefits, like lowering the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and type 2 diabetes.

How Do You Flush Lectins Out Of Your Body?

There is no known way to flush lectins out of your body. Here’s why:

Are Lectins Bad For Everyone?

Lectins do not negatively impact everyone. While some people may develop symptoms after eating lectin-containing foods, others can tolerate them without issue.

It’s important to note that responses vary on an individual basis. Testing your sensitivity to lectins is essential.

Additionally, foods with lectins offer health benefits like antioxidants, stabilized insulin, and blood sugar regulation.

Research shows populations eating diets high in lectin-rich legumes, whole grains, and nuts have lower rates of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

So, while lectins can cause problems for some, they also provide benefits.

It’s best to consult a professional to determine if you can incorporate lectin-rich foods in moderation as part of an overall balanced approach.

Can You Fix Lectin Intolerance?

Managing lectin intolerance involves alleviating symptoms rather than curing the underlying condition.

As many reported symptoms involve gastrointestinal distress, reducing or eliminating high-lectin foods from one’s diet may provide relief.

Restricting the consumption of foods that worsen symptoms under a healthcare professional’s instructions can help manage discomfort.

The goal is to identify and minimize the consumption of specific high-lectin foods that cause symptoms in each individual.

This personalized approach helps tune into the body’s signals, control flare-ups, and improve overall wellness.

Tips For Reducing Lectin Intake

Reducing lectin intake can help alleviate discomfort for those sensitive to these compounds.

Here are some straightforward ways to lower your lectin consumption:

  1. Cooking methods: Boiling or stewing foods deactivates lectins; soak and boil dried beans before consuming.
  2. Choose canned beans: Canned beans have lower lectin levels due to their cooking process.
  3. Sprouting and removing hulls: Sprouting grains and beans and removing outer hulls reduces lectin content.
  4. Consider digestive sensitivity: Individuals with digestive issues may be more sensitive to lectins; adjust your diet accordingly.
  5. Limit problematic foods: Consider reducing the foods that cause discomfort due to lectins, especially if you have digestive sensitivities like irritable bowel syndrome.

Note: It’s best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance, considering your health history and symptoms.


Lectin intolerance can cause digestive issues, fatigue, and brain fog in some individuals.

While lectins are found in various healthy foods, they can trigger reactions in sensitive individuals.

These plant proteins can bind to gut carbohydrates, potentially impacting nutrient absorption and causing discomfort.

Bloating, nausea, diarrhea, brain fog, anxiety, fatigue, skin issues, and disrupted sleep are potential signs of lectin intolerance.

Examples of high-lectin foods include red kidney beans, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, and others.

Frequent antibiotic use, gut imbalances, leaky gut, plant-based diets high in lectins, and certain genes might increase the risk.

To reduce lectins, you can boil, soak, sprout, or choose processed beans. Depending on your sensitivity, you may also need to adjust your diet.


FamilyTreeNow is a free and popular website designed to assist individuals in constructing their family trees and unearthing intriguing genealogical secrets. Offering access to a treasure trove of public records and a user-friendly family tree builder, FamilyTreeNow has sparked both excitement and controversy. From concerns about data accuracy to questions surrounding privacy, it’s a platform that has left users intrigued yet cautious. Here is everything you need to know about FamilyTreeNow, its services, data privacy concerns, and ways to opt out of their services. 

What Is FamilyTreeNow?

FamilyTreeNow is a website that helps trace ancestries, build family trees, and get contact details of millions of individuals.

Launched in 2014, this genealogy website is based in Roseville, California, and has over 1.6 billion personal records in its database.  

Is FamilyTreeNow Free?

Yes. FamilyTreeNow is a free website allowing individuals to search for people and build and store their family tree without paying anything.

How To Use FamilyTreeNow?

FamilyTreeNow offers two primary services – people finder and family tree builder.

People Finder

Follow these easy steps to search for records on FamilyTreeNow’s database.

  1. Visit FamilyTreeNow’s website and click on the Search tab at the top.
  2. Fill details like the first and last names, location, and date of birth to start searching for people.
  3. To narrow the search, click on ‘add more criteria’ and fill in other details like birth country, date of death, street address, or phone number.
  4. The website shows all possible records that match the search criteria, and you can click on the ‘view details’ button of any record to get more detailed information.
  5. The website finds some details, including present and past addresses, contact details, possible relatives and associates, date of death, and maiden name.

Family Tree Builder

Below are the steps to use the family tree builder service.

  1. Visit FamilyTreeNow’s website and click the ‘Start Family Tree’ button. 
  2. Enter your name and email ID and agree to the terms of use and privacy policy to get started.
  3. Enter your details to start creating the tree. You can keep building the tree by entering details of your parents, siblings, partners, children, and other relatives you know of.
  4. Anytime during the process, you can click on the ‘tree pages’ tab to opt for ‘view record matches.’ This will give you a list of people already on FamilyTreeNow who may fit the descriptions you have entered. 
  5. Creating a complete family tree may take a while, especially if you don’t have much information about your ancestry. 

Recommended for you: How to download your Family Tree DNA Raw Data?

How’s FamilyTreeNow Different Than Other Websites?

Unlike other genealogy websites, FamilyTreeNow does not ask for a fee to utilize any of their services.

Some genealogy websites have free services but require customers to upgrade to premium services for a fee. FamilyTreeNow doesn’t offer such premium services either.

According to the website’s founders, their mission is to create the best genealogy website in the world that both amateur and professional genealogists can utilize. 

Are The Results Accurate?

The accuracy of FamilyTreeNow’s records depends on two factors.

  1. The accuracy of data available in open public records.
  2. The accuracy of personal details entered by other users on the FamilyTreeNow database.

Why Are People Opting Out Of FamilyTreeNow?

The controversy surrounding FamilyTreeNow primarily revolves around the accessibility and potential misuse of personal information available on the site. 

It has raised significant privacy concerns due to the ease with which personal details can be obtained.

Additionally, the website has been linked to cases of stalking and other malicious activities, sparking apprehension regarding the security and ethical implications of its services.

Furthermore, the owner of FamilyTreeNow, Dustin Weirich, has faced criticism for being unresponsive to requests for comment, which has fueled skepticism about the platform’s commitment to addressing privacy and security issues.

FamilyTreeNow: How To Opt-out?

FamilyTreeNow’s website tells you exactly how you could opt out of its services, so your information isn’t visible to those who search for it.

Here are the detailed steps to opt out.

  1. Visit FamilyTreeNow’s opt-out page, fill in your email ID, and click ‘begin the opt-out procedure.’
  2. Access the search records, fill in your details, and click on search.
  3. Find your listing and click on ‘view details.’
  4. Ensure that it’s your profile, and click the red opt-out button.
  5. You will receive an email confirming the opt-out request. Click on the confirmation link in the email.
  6. It may take up to 72 hours for your record to be removed from the website.
  7. If you have multiple records, please know that you should be repeating the process for each one of them.

FamilyTreeNow Reviews: What People Say

The internet is split in its opinion, having a free-to-access genealogy website.

Global genealogy enthusiasts are excited about having a free tool that helps them pursue their passion for genealogy.

However, a larger group of people are worried that this free database will give anyone access to your details, including your address, contact number, and relationships. 

Pros and Cons

Here are some pros and cons of using FamilyTreeNow to help you make an informed decision.

Unlimited free access to create a family tree and search for ancestry details Risk of data privacy
Quick access to multiple public records all in one placeSince the database depends on open public records, it may be hard to eliminate inaccuracies and incomplete information  
Advanced search features make it easy to narrow down search resultsFamilyTreeNow does not have extensive customer support features like other paid websites


  1. FamilyTreeNow is a genealogy website that allows individuals to search for people they may be related to or associated with and build a family tree, all for zero charges.
  2. FamilyTreeNow’s website accesses several open public records to bring together a comprehensive database of billions of records you can access freely.
  3. Since FamilyTreeNow compiles its database from public records, the accuracy of the information will depend on the accuracy of these open records.
  4. While some individuals are excited about the free access to billions of records, a larger group of people are worried about strangers and data phishers being able to access their information for free.
  5. People worried about data privacy can opt out of services by identifying their records and clicking the opt-out button.


Did you know that not all natural supplements are as safe as they seem? While some can offer health benefits, others might harm your liver, the most vital organ responsible for cleansing your body. NIH research has revealed that liver injury induced by herbal and dietary supplements (HDS) accounts for 20% of hepatotoxicity cases in the United States. This means being cautious about your supplements, which is crucial for safeguarding your liver health. Keep reading to explore 7 natural supplements that may cause liver damage, either directly or through interactions with other medications. Additionally, we’ll address liver damage signs, delve into liver-stressing vitamins, and provide practical supplement selection tips for liver health maintenance.

7 Natural Supplements That Cause Liver Damage

While many turn to natural supplements for improved health, some contain unexpected downsides.

It’s important to be aware of potential side effects, especially those impacting the vital liver.

Here are 7 commonly used supplements that, under certain circumstances, can harm your liver:

  1. Kava: This Pacific Island drink provides relaxation but can cause liver injury or failure, especially in those with pre-existing liver issues or taking medications.
  2. Green tea extract: Packed with beneficial antioxidants, this concentrated form can have a dark side. High doses or underlying liver issues can lead to liver toxicity, jaundice, and even failure.
  3. Comfrey: This plant might seem helpful for wounds, but it hides harmful chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These can seriously damage your liver, blocking vital veins and potentially leading to failure.
  4. Chaparral: While some use it for health reasons, this plant contains nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a toxic chemical. It can cause liver inflammation, hepatitis infection, and even failure in some individuals.
  5. Aloe vera: Known for its calming properties on the skin, aloe vera juice or gel taken internally can have unexpected consequences. Liver toxicity, hepatitis, and even failure have been reported, especially in high doses or with pre-existing liver issues.
  6. Black cohosh: Although helpful for managing menopausal symptoms, black cohosh contains triterpene glycosides that can affect the liver. This can lead to hepatitis, jaundice, and even liver failure in some individuals.
  7. Echinacea: While this popular immune booster aims to fight infections, it can have its own battle with the liver. Liver toxicity, hepatitis, and even failure have been reported, particularly in high doses or individuals with autoimmune diseases or liver disorders.

Do Natural Supplements Cause Hepatotoxicity?

As mentioned earlier, herbal and dietary supplements contribute to 20% of hepatotoxicity cases in the US.

The research found significant culprits like anabolic steroids, green tea extract, and multi-ingredient nutritional supplements (MINS) as common causes.

Anabolic steroids, often sold as bodybuilding supplements, usually result in a prolonged cholestatic liver injury. A specific pattern in blood tests and liver tissue samples characterizes this type of injury.

On the flip side, green tea extract and similar products are prone to trigger acute liver injury, with symptoms closely mirroring those of hepatitis.

However, the majority of HDS-associated liver injuries are linked to MINS, where the specific toxic component is often unknown.

This poses challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Improved regulatory oversight is crucial to ensure the purity and safety of non-prescription products.

Collaboration among healthcare professionals, chemists, and toxicologists is essential to identifying and regulating harmful ingredients and promoting public safety.

Symptoms Of Liver Damage

Symptoms indicating potential liver function issues can appear in various ways.

Other symptoms include:

These indications could appear rapidly or gradually, depending on the cause and severity of liver injury.

It is vital to consult a physician promptly if you notice any of these signs so they can evaluate the condition and provide necessary treatment.

What Vitamins Are Hard On The Liver?

Vitamin A and niacin (vitamin B3) are the vitamins that are hard on the liver in high doses.

While most vitamins, when taken within recommended amounts, rarely cause liver harm, vitamin A and niacin can lead to distinctive forms of liver injury.

This risk arises because many vitamins, especially fat-soluble ones, are concentrated, metabolized, and stored in the liver.

Exceeding safe intake levels can overload the liver’s capacity to process these vitamins, resulting in liver damage.

Thus, caution should be exercised with vitamin A and niacin supplementation to prevent liver injury.

Tips To Keep Your Liver Healthy

While some supplements may be effective in supporting liver health, it is important to talk to your doctor about it and only take those that are prescribed.

Summary: 7 Natural Supplements That Cause Liver Damage

Be careful with some natural supplements, as they can hurt your liver.

Be cautious with kava, green tea extract, comfrey, chaparral, aloe vera, black cohosh, and echinacea supplements, especially if you have liver issues or take other medications.

Watch for signs like tiredness, yellow skin, or belly pain, which could mean liver damage.

Too much vitamin A and niacin can harm your liver. Before starting any new supplements, consult your doctor first.

Check what’s inside them and pick brands that have been properly tested and approved.

Eating healthy foods and living a good lifestyle is best for keeping your liver healthy. Only use supplements when you really need them.


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